
Grafts preservation solution

Grafts preservation

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the survival of the grafts in a hair transplant procedure. Factors as hydration, temperature, time out of body, and gentle handling of the grafts are very significant to have a quality hair transplantation. Except from these important factors, there are also some secondary factors such as operating techniques, graft care, storage solutions, and additives, which have to be considered.

Regarding the storage of the extracted grafts, HypoThermosol is the leading graft holding solution and it is the one that ChoiExperts trust.

Dehydration, mechanical trauma, hypoxia, ATP depletion, reperfusion injury, cold injury and lactic acid accumulation are some pitfalls that can reduce the viability of the grafts.

HypoThermosol® for grafts preservation: storage solution is an optimized storage solution that has been shown to increase the viability of hair grafts following a period of ex vivo storage. The use of Hypothermosol improves graft survival rate for the time they remain outside of the body.

HypoThermosol is formulated specifically to support tissue samples during hypothermic storage, and address the stresses of hypothermia with balanced ions and molecules, targeted pH buffering, and potent free radical scavengers that reduce hair follicle cell death via apoptosis and necrosis.
Hypothermosol charasteristics




USP/Highest Quality Components

Sterility, Endotoxin, and Cell-Based Release Testing

Manufactured in compliance with FDA cGMP guidelines